Table of Contents

The Simeo script mode (in java) to run background simulations

The models in Simeo are hosted in modules. When launching Simeo in interactive mode, the user first creates a project and chooses which module he wants to use. An initialization stage follows to build an initial scene (e.g. an empty 100 x 100m scene, or a new scene with plants inside by loading an ops fileā€¦) and to set the parameters for the simulation time (e.g. values for coefficients). If the module implements a growth model, it is then possible to trigger an evolution to a given date or time.

It is possible to do the same without any user interaction by writing a java script. Simeo script mode can be useful for long or repetitive tasks: first tune your simulation in interactive mode with few iterations or data, then write the script and launch it on a bigger machine to have results on more iterations or bigger data.

A script example

The Simeo scripts follow the Capsis architecture. Here is an example script to do the following:

This script may be run on a bigger machine if needed, for example if the scene contains a lot of adult trees with numerous and fine organs, or if Archimed1 is configured to work with a lot of details.

The script

package jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.scripts;
import java.util.List;
import jeeb.simeo.extension.export.archimed1.Archimed1ExportScriptStarter;
import jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.model.EditoInitialParameters;
import jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.model.EditoMockup;
import jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.model.EditoScene;
import capsis.kernel.GScene;
import capsis.kernel.Step;
 * A Simeo script. Loads the given .ops scene file and sends it to the Archimed v1 radiative balance
 * tool.
 * Two ways to launch it:
 * <pre>
 * (1) sh -p script jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.scripts.ScriptTristan2012 
 * (2) java -cp class:ext/* jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.scripts.ScriptTristan2012
 * </pre>
 * See usage () below for expected parameters.
 * @author F. de Coligny - 5.10.2012
public class ScriptTristan2012 {
	private static void usage () {
		System.out.println ("Simeo-Edito: ScriptTristan2012");
				.println ("  Windows: simeo -p script jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.scripts.ScriptTristan2012 opsFileName archimed1ConfigFileName");
				.println ("  Linux:   sh -p script jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.scripts.ScriptTristan2012 opsFileName archimed1ConfigFileName");
		System.out.println ("  -> needs two parameters: opsFileName and archimed1ConfigFileName");
	 * Script entry point.
	public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
		// Check script parameters
		if (args == null || args.length != 3) { // 0: script name, 1: opsFileName 2:
												// archimedConfigFileName
			usage ();
		System.out.println ("ScriptTristan2012...");
		// prefixes: r_ means 'relative path', a_ means 'absolute path'
		String opsFileName = args[1]; // e.g. /home/coligny/workspace/amapstudio/tmp/tristan/tristan.ops
		String archimed1ConfigFileName = args[2]; // e.g. /home/coligny/workspace/amapstudio/tmp/tristan/archimed1.config
		System.out.println ("opsFileName            : " + opsFileName);
		System.out.println ("archimed1ConfigFileName: " + archimed1ConfigFileName);
		// Create script
		SimeoScript script = new SimeoScript ("jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor");
		EditoInitialParameters i = (EditoInitialParameters) script.getModel ().getSettings ();
		// Set Edito overwrite mode: the mockups files (.opf) will not be copied and will be
		// overwritten
		i.setEditoOverwriteMode ();
		i.opsFileName = opsFileName;
		// Init
		System.out.println ("Loading scene... ");
		script.init (i);
		Step root = script.getRoot ();
		GScene scene = root.getScene ();
		// Check the first mockup files
		EditoScene es = (EditoScene) scene;
		List<EditoMockup> mockups = es.getElements ();
		for (EditoMockup m : mockups) {
			System.out.println ("Checking first mockup...");
			System.out.println ("  Mockup id: " + m.getId ());
			System.out.println ("  Mockup a_filePath_0: " + m.getA_FilePath_0 ());
			System.out.println ("  Mockup   fileName_0: " + m.getFileName_0 ());
			System.out.println ("  Mockup a_filePath_1: " + m.getA_FilePath_1 ());
			System.out.println ("  Mockup r_filePath_1: " + m.getR_FilePath_1 ());
			System.out.println ("  Mockup   fileName_1: " + m.getFileName_1 ());
			System.out.println ("  Mockup r_sceneDir  : " + m.getR_SceneDir ());
			System.out.println ("  Mockup opf: " + m.getFile ("opf"));
			for (String f : m.getFiles ()) {
				System.out.println ("  Mockup file: " + f);
			break; // only the first one
		// Export to Archimed1
		Archimed1ExportScriptStarter s = new Archimed1ExportScriptStarter (es, archimed1ConfigFileName);
		s.execute ();
		// Close project
		script.closeProject ();
		System.out.println ("ScriptTristan2012 is over");

How to launch the script

Open a terminal, change directory to the amapstudio install directory, then type a command like the following (adapt for your ops and Archimed1 configuration file):

sh -p script jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.scripts.ScriptTristan2012 tmp/francois/francois.ops tmp/francois/archimed1.config