====== AMAPstudio download page ====== You may download here the **Web release** of AMAPstudio. This version contains **Xplo** with its plant editor, **Simeo** with its editor, and the **Scan** application. In addition, the freely distributable plant growth models integrated in AMAPstudio are provided with this release **for evaluation**, e.g. LollyMangrove. Any scientist [[whocanjoinamapstudio|wishing to integrate a plant growth model in AMAPstudio]] may contact the AMAPstudio team to discuss the way to join the project. ===== Download form =====
hidden Response "=Thanks for downloading AMAPstudio, please select the most recent AMAPstudio installer on the following page: https://amap-dev.cirad.fr/projects/jeeb/files and see the installation instructions here: https://amapstudio.cirad.fr/download" Fieldset "Your information" Textbox "Your name" email "Mail" Textbox "Organism and Country" textbox "Motivation" static "This registration is only for internal statistics, the download link will be automatically sent to your e-mail address" Thanks "### Thanks for downloading AMAPstudio, you will receive shortly an email containing download instructions. ###" submit "Register" Action mail @@Mail@@ coligny@cirad.fr subject "AMAPstudio demo version download"
/** old version, update upper by fc-16.12.2021
action mail coligny@cirad.fr subscriber@email thanks "The download link has been sent to your e-mail address, thanks for downloading our software." fieldset "Please register" textbox "Your Name" email "E-mail address" textbox "Organism (optional)" ! textbox "Motivation (optional)" ! static "This registration is only for internal statistics, the download link will be automatically sent to your e-mail address" hidden "Download link " "=https://amap-dev.cirad.fr/projects/jeeb/files" submit "Submit Query"
...old version */ ===== Installation ===== 1. **Ensure java 1.8 is installed on your computer**. To check the correct version of Java is installed and available, open a Terminal and check the answer to this command (must answer java 1.8.x) # type this command java -version # you should get this kind of answer (note the "1.8.x") java version "1.8.0_101" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_101-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.101-b13, mixed mode) If java is not found on your system or the version is not 1.8.x, please install the correct version of java for your system, [[https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html|you may try from here]] or in [[https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/javase8-archive-downloads.html|these java 1.8 download archives]]. 2. **Run the installer** (AMAPstudio-setup-X.jar) by double clicking on it and follow the install instructions. If double clicking on a .jar file does not launch the installer on your system, open a terminal, change to the install directory and type java -jar AMAPstudio-setup-file-name.jar 3. **The scripts to run xplo and simeo** are located in the amapstudio install directory **Under windows** # In a terminal # change to the install directory cd .../AMAPstudio/ # Run Xplo xplo # Run Simeo simeo **Under Linux and Mac** # In a terminal # change to the install directory cd .../AMAPstudio/ # Run Xplo sh xplo.sh # Run Simeo sh simeo.sh In case of installation trouble, see the [[faq|FAQ sections]].