====== Frequently Asked Questions ====== ===== General ===== ==== 1.1 Can I add my own model to AMAPstudio ? ==== See the [[whocanjoinamapstudio|who can join the project]]. ===== Technical basics ===== ==== 2.1 How do I type the commands under Windows ? ==== You need to open a terminal (also called a console or a shell under Unix). * You may try **Start > Find** > ''cmd'' > Enter. * You may alternatively find the terminal in **Start > Programs > Accessories**. While in the terminal, you can change volumes by typing the volume name (e.g. ''C:'' or ''D:'') and you can navigate through the directories with the ''cd'' (change directory) command. E.g. to go to the amapstudio install directory (replace the directory names according to your installation path): C: cd \amapstudio All ant commands must be typed from the install directory like the following example (to force the recompilation of all sources): ant clean compile Note: this command should finish with this message: ''BUILD SUCCESSFUL''. ==== 2.2 How do I type the commands under Linux ? ==== You need to open a terminal (also called a console or a shell). E.g. under Linux Ubuntu, you may try **Application > Accessories > Terminal**. While in the terminal, you can navigate through the directories with the ''cd'' (change directory) command. E.g. to go to the amapstudio install directory (replace the directory names according to your installation path): cd /home/coligny/workspace/amapstudio All ant commands must be typed from the install directory like the following example (to force the recompilation of all sources): sh ant clean compile Note: **under Linux, the commands should be prefixed by ''sh''.** Note: this command should finish with this message: ''BUILD SUCCESSFUL''. ==== 2.3 How do I type the commands under Mac OS X ? ==== You need to open a terminal (also called a console or a shell). See **Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal**. Then, see the Linux topic just above. You will use the same scripts than for Linux and launch them the same way with 'sh'. cd .../amapstudio sh ant clean compile ===== Installation ===== ==== 3.1 Java: Which version of Java must be installed ? ==== Since 26 July 2016, the official version of Java for AMAPstudio is 1.8.x, also called Java 8 (e.g. 1.8.0_101…). ==== 3.2 Java: Do I have to install the whole JDK or is the JRE sufficient ? ==== It depends on your role in AMAPstudio: AMAPstudio __end-users__, who will simply use a(some) module(s) provided by an AMAPstudio modeller partner through an IzPack installer (e.g. the web release downloaded from this web site), only need the **Java Runtime Environment** (JRE, contains no compiler) installed on their machine. AMAPstudio __modellers__, who will get the entire version of AMAPstudio with all the Xplo / Simeo modules included and who will develop inside and synchronize through SVN, must install the **Java Development Kit** (JDK, including the java compiler). ==== 3.3 Java: Where can I download Java ? ==== To download a Java 1.8 Development Kit or Runtime Environment, try the following links: * JDK 1.8: [[https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html|for AMAPstudio modellers (includes a javac compiler)]] * JRE 1.8: [[https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html|for AMAPstudio end-users (no compiler included)]] You may also look in [[https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/javase8-archive-downloads.html|the java 1.8 download archives]]. ==== 3.4 Java: How can I check if Java is well installed on my machine ? ==== Try to run Xplo or Simeo by using their starting scripts in the AMAPstudio installation directory. Or open a Terminal (for Windows: Start > Find > cmd > Enter OR Start > Programs > Accessories > Command line) and type the following commands. An example of checking the JRE installation under a Linux terminal: answers Java 1.8 -> installation is correct coligny@marvin-13:~$ java -version java version "1.8.0_101" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_101-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.101-b13, mixed mode) If you get a “program not found” error message, check your java installation and PATH variable setting (see other sections in this FAQ). For AMAPstudio modellers, also type ''javac -version'' to check if the compiler was found. If not, you may have a Java Runtime Environment in your PATH instead of a Java Development Kit. coligny@marvin-13:~$ javac -version javac 1.8.0_101 ==== 3.5 Java: Which environment variables must I set to use AMAPstudio ? ==== **Note**: generally, running the java installer is enough to have Java correctly installed on a computer. This section may help if Xplo / Simeo fail to start. AMAPstudio needs only Java in the system PATH (were the system searches the programs). To update your PATH if needed: add the 'bin/' directory of the Java programs __at the beginning__ of the PATH variable. Insert a semi colon ”;” to separate from the trailing existing paths (e.g. for windows: C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8_101/bin;existing paths) (for Linux, use a colon instead of a semi-colon). Note for Windows users: the environment variables may be changed by Configuration Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables Note: setting the CLASSPATH is not needed, neither for the end-users nor for the modellers (see the pages about compilation in the AMAPstudio Documentation page). ==== 3.6 AMAPstudio: How do I run the installer ? ==== Run the installer by double clicking on it, then follow the instructions. In case the installer does not start, make sure the correct version of java is installed on your computer (see other sections in this FAQ) and try to open the jar file with java. // Run the jar installer from a terminal cd .../directoryContainingTheInstaller java -jar instalerName.jar ==== 3.7 AMAPstudio: Where must I install ? ==== The AMAPstudio archive contains a single directory named ''jeeb/'' itself containing the whole software studio. When installing, this directory can be located where you like in your file system. If you plan to develop under AMAPstudio, locate the archive in your working directory (ex: c:/…/users/coligny/java/). For a simple use, AMAPstudio can be installed anywhere. ===== How to launch Xplo and Simeo ===== ==== 4.1 Launch Xplo and Simeo from a terminal ==== **Windows**: open a Terminal... * Start > Execute > 'cmd' > Enter * OR Start > Programs > Accessories > Command line ...and try the following commands: // Go to AMAPstudio's install directory cd ...\yourInstallDirectory // Launch Xplo xplo // Launch Simeo simeo // Launch Simeo in english simeo -l en **Linux**: Open a terminal... * Applications > Accessories > Terminal ...and try the following commands: // Go to AMAPstudio's install directory cd .../yourInstallDirectory // Launch Xplo sh xplo.sh // Launch Simeo sh simeo.sh // Launch Simeo in english sh simeo.sh -l en Under Mac OS X, use the same commands than for Linux, e.g. ''sh simeo.sh'' ==== 4.2 I need more memory for my simulations, how can I do ? ==== The maximum amount of memory Xplo or Simeo can require from the operating system during simulation is a variable. This variable has a default value depending on the machine architecture. Use the **setmem** tool to change the default value to a bigger or lower value (in mega bytes) if needed. Once setmem has been run, the given value will be used until the next change with setmem. Xplo and Simeo show the current value for memory at launch time in the terminal. // e.g. setmem under Windows: ask for 4Gb > setmem 4096 Simeo/Xplo will run with 4096 mega bytes available // Restore default value > setmem Xplo/Simeo memory reset to default value // e.g. setmem under Linux: ask for 2Gb > sh setmem.sh 2048 Simeo/Xplo will run with 2048 mega bytes available // Check the result > sh simeo.sh -v 64 bits architecture - max memory: 4096 mega bytes Simeo 0.9-3725 **Notes** * setmem writes the value in a file called //memory// * If the value is too small or too big, simeo and xplo may not start correctly. * If the value is wrong (extra spaces or letters...), simeo and xplo will not start at all.