# Simeo-Principes command file
parameterFileName = PhoenixRomana.txt
plantAge = 200
plantSeed = 1
archimed1ConfigFileName = archimed1.config
# Pattern coordinates in m
pattern = ((0,10);(10,0))
patternBounds = ((-5,-5);(15,15))
# simName simulationParameters
sim1 PinnaeDistance_1(2D;1;(0:2.3);(50:10);(100:2))
sim2 PinnaeDistance_1(2D;1;(0:6);(50:15);(100:4))
To read such a file, it is possible to write a subclass of FileLoader where **the public fields are expected to be automatically loaded** from the file. FileLoader proposes methods to interpret the lines and turn them into objects, by using Java introspection, based on the order and types of the fields.
* Each **public field** will be searched in the file for a keyword parameter with same name and its type will be checked (e.g. error if an int is expected and a double is found in the file).
* Each **public List
package jeeb.simeo.module.edito.scripts;
import java.util.List;
import jeeb.lib.util.Record;
import jeeb.lib.util.fileloader.FileLoader;
import jeeb.lib.util.fileloader.FileLoaderCheck;
* Testing the new FileLoader class.
* // To test this FileLoader
* java -cp bin jeeb.simeo.module.edito.scripts.ScriptRaphael2013FileLoader
* @author F. de Coligny - December 2013
public class ScriptRaphael2013FileLoader extends FileLoader {
public String parameterFileName;
public int plantAge;
public int plantSeed;
public String archimed1ConfigFileName;
public String pattern;
public String patternBounds;
public List simRecords;
* Constructor.
public ScriptRaphael2013FileLoader () throws Exception {
super ();
protected void checks() throws Exception {
checkAssertion(plantAge > 0, "plantAge must be > 0");
checkAssertion(plantSeed >= 0, "plantSeed must be >= 0");
checkAssertion(!simRecords.isEmpty (), "The simRecords list should not be empty");
// A line in the command file
static public class SimRecord extends Record {
// e.g. sim1
public String simName;
// e.g. PinnaeDistance_1(2D;1;(0:2.3);(50:10);(100:2)) !
// FrondNervureLength_1(2D;1;(1:100);(175:400))
public String simulationParameters;
public SimRecord(String line) throws Exception {
This loader may be used like below:
// Interpret command file
ScriptRaphael2013FileLoader loader = new ScriptRaphael2013FileLoader();
// commandFileName = reader.getCommandFileName();
parameterFileName = loader.parameterFileName;
plantAge = loader.plantAge;
plantSeed = loader.plantSeed;
pattern = loader.pattern;
patternBounds = loader.patternBounds;
archimed1ConfigFileName = loader.archimed1ConfigFileName;
List simRecords = loader.simRecords;
int numberOfSimulations = simRecords.size();
The constructor and load () method may throw an exception if a problem arises during the file interpretation.
Possible errors are:
* a field expected by the loader could not be found in the file (missing in file)
* a field in the file is unknown by the loader (missing in loader)
* a field has a wrong type (e.g. expected int, found double)
* a check failed (e.g. plantAge is supposed to be > 0)
* ...
It is possible to add checks by overriding the **checks ()** method. It is possible to check simple assertions like in the example above. It is also possible to make more complicated checks like checking if the number of rows in the list is greater than 0. In case of trouble in checks (), throw an exception to stop the process.
After loading the file, all fields can be retrieved directly from the loader, they are all public fields. It is also possible to add and call a method in the fileLoader to change all these parameters into another data structure, e.g. a list of trees in a forest stand or a predefined parameter object.
Finally, it is possible to call the FileLoader **toString ()** method after the process to check what happened. Here are two examples after a successful and after a failed loading :
FileLoader : ScriptRaphael2013FileLoader
loaded file : /home/coligny/workspace/amapstudio/data/simeo/edito/principesRaphael/wd1/principesCmd1.txt
loading succeeded: true
-- Loaded data --
parameterFileName = PhoenixRomana.txt
plantAge = 200
plantSeed = 1
archimed1ConfigFileName = archimed1.config
pattern = ((0,10);(10,0))
patternBounds = ((-5,-5);(15,15))
sim1 PinnaeDistance_1(2D;1;(0:2.3);(50:10);(100:2))
sim2 PinnaeDistance_1(2D;1;(0:6);(50:15);(100:4))
-- end-of-loaded data --
FileLoader : ScriptRaphael2013FileLoader
loaded file : /home/coligny/workspace/amapstudio/data/simeo/edito/principesRaphael/wd1/principesCmd1.txt
loader report : The simRecords list should not be empty
loading succeeded: false
===== Additional features =====
==== Change the separator ====
In a record format (subclass of Record) like SimRecord upper, the default separator between the fields of a line is a tabulation. It is possible to change this by overriding a method in SimRecord, e.g.
// Change the default \t separator by ;
public String getSeparator() {
return ";";
==== Manage comment marks ====
The file reader ignores all lines starting by a 'commentMark', by default '#'
It is possible to add comment marks, lines starting with all comment marks will be ignored, e.g.
// Ignore the lines starting with "//"