====== How to use the MBB platform (Montpellier Bioinformatics Biodiversity computing cluster) ======
fc - 17.3.2014
This documentation summarizes information to help **AMAP agents** to connect with the ssh protocol on the MBB cluster and launch heavy computations.
AMAP is part of the [[https://www.agropolis.fr/actualites/2011-labex-centre-mediterraneen-environnement-biodiversite-cemeb.php|Labex Cemeb]] and the AMAP members can access the Labex resources, including the [[https://mbb.univ-montp2.fr/MBB/index.php|MBB platform]].
For questions about the MBB cluster, please have a look to the online documentation (see links below), then ask first the two AMAP referents: Francois de Coligny or Yves Dumont, before finally contacting the MBB team: Rémy Dernat (system), Julien Veyssier (development) or Khalid Belkhir.
===== The MBB plaform online documentation =====
* [[https://mbb.univ-montp2.fr/MBB/index.php|Direct link to the platform]]
* [[https://kimura.univ-montp2.fr/calcul/|Documentation page (fr)]]
For all works using the services of the Montpellier Bioinformatics Biodiversity computing platform, please add this text in your publications:
"[Replace_with_your_project_name] analyses largely benefited from the Montpellier Bioinformatics Biodiversity computing cluster platform."
===== How to create a SSH access login on the MBB cluster (AMAP members only) =====
All AMAP members can ask for a login on the MBB cluster from any computer located in the AMAP buildings in Montpellier (PS1, PS2). For AMAP members located elsewhere, a fixed ip address will be requested by the MBB team.
__To get such a SSH login, please contact F. de Coligny__, we will do it together (according to the MBB system administrator request).
MBB web site: [[https://mbb.univ-montp2.fr/MBB/index.php|click there]] > click on Login (top of the page) > Create an account > Tracking system
* requester name: de Coligny
* requester email: coligny@cirad.fr
* choose 'Account creation on MBB cluster (SSH)'
* priority 'High'
* requester first name: Francois
* team: 'AMAP',
* project description and software to use,
* then a title and message for the mail requesting the validation to the MBB administrators:
* user name
* user email (will receive the 'confirmation and further instructions' mail)
* user preferred login proposal for the MBB administrator
* answer the spam prevention questions
* submit the request
You will get a mail response with the instruction to login on the cluster.
ssh coligny@
You will have a home directory created. Once logged in, you can choose a new password with:
===== How to copy files into your home directory =====
Once logged in, you can use the Linux commands to create directories in your home directory: [[https://kimura.univ-montp2.fr/calcul_isem/category/bash/|Linux commands]].
[coligny@cluster1 ~]$ mkdir data
[coligny@cluster1 ~]$ cd data
[coligny@cluster1 data]$
To **copy a file with scp** from your computer to the **data/** directory on the cluster; open a terminal on your own computer and type something like this (adapt for your own file):
coligny@marvin-13:~/workspace/amapstudio/data/opf$ scp sunflower_100.opf coligny@
sunflower_100.opf 100% 142KB 142.4KB/s 00:00
To **copy a data/ directory** from your computer to the cluster into test/:
coligny@marvin-13:~/des-trucs$ scp -r data/ coligny@
archimed1Export.ops 100% 378 0.4KB/s 00:00
mod_Rauh_14.opf 100% 31MB 10.3MB/s 00:03
mod_Koriba_7.opf 100% 3812KB 3.7MB/s 00:00
archimed1.config 100% 486 0.5KB/s 00:00
two-trees.ops 100% 386 0.4KB/s 00:00
A documentation about scp: [[https://cc.in2p3.fr/docenligne/134/fr|(french)]]
==== Example 1: how to install AMAPstudio through svn (modellers full local copy) on the cluster in your home directory ====
Typing the commands below will create a workspace/amapstudio/ directory and get a local copy of AMAPstudio in it by running an svn checkout (AMAPstudio modelers grant level requested).
[coligny@cluster1 ~]$ pwd
[coligny@cluster1 ~]$ mkdir workspace
[coligny@cluster1 ~]$ cd workspace/
[coligny@cluster1 workspace]$ mkdir amapstudio
[coligny@cluster1 workspace]$ cd amapstudio/
[coligny@cluster1 amapstudio]$
[coligny@cluster1 amapstudio]$ svn co --username coligny https://amap-dev.cirad.fr/svn/jeeb/trunk
A trunk/etc/simeo.models
A trunk/etc/editoGreenPin.opf
A trunk/etc/simeo.extension.list
A trunk/etc/editoRedPin.gwa
A trunk/etc/xplo.models
A trunk/Readme.txt
U trunk
Révision 4393 extraite.
==== Example 2: how to install AMAPstudio (end-user IzPack installer) on the cluster ====
1. create an AMAPstudio installer and copy it to the cluster
coligny@marvin-13:~/workspace/amapstudio$ sh ant installer
coligny@marvin-13:~/workspace/amapstudio$ scp AMAPstudio-setup.jar coligny@
2. run the installer on the cluster with the GUI on your machine (delays will be experienced due to data transfer time)
ssh -f -Y coligny@ java -jar test/installer-test/AMAPstudio-setup.jar
===== How to launch a job on the cluster =====
A documentation for the [[https://www.rocksclusters.org/roll-documentation/sge/5.2/|Sun Grid Engine (SGE)]] : the distributed resource management software used to launch jobs on the MBB cluster.
See this particular page: [[https://www.rocksclusters.org/roll-documentation/sge/5.2/submitting-batch-jobs.html|Submitting batch jobs]] explains how the **qsub**, **qdel** and **qstat** commands can be used to manage batch jobs on the cluster.
You may also read the 'Introduction to sge' man page :
man sge_intro
==== Example 1: how to compile AMAPstudio on the cluster ====
Note: AMAPstudio must be **compiled with java 1.6**. The master node on the cluster contains java 1.7, the compute-nodes run java 1.6 (17 March 2014) -> the compilaton must be launched on the cluster nodes with qsub to match the good java 1.6.
1. Open a terminal, login to the cluster and change directory to be in the AMAPstudio installation directory (contains simeo.sh)
ssh coligny@
cd workspace/amapstudio/trunk
2. Prepare **an sge script** to launch 'sh ant clean compile':
cat > ant-clean-compile.sge
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -S /bin/bash
sh ant clean compile
3. Run the sge script with **qsub**:
[coligny@cluster1 trunk]$ qsub ant-clean-compile.sge
Your job 166092 ("ant-clean-compile.sge") has been submitted
4. Check the cluster statistics
[coligny@cluster1 trunk]$ qstat
job-ID prior name user state submit/start at queue slots ja-task-ID
165554 0.55500 PhyML mbb r 03/10/2014 07:52:56 mbb.q@compute-0-15.local 1
165557 0.55500 PhyML mbb r 03/10/2014 11:21:29 mbb.q@compute-0-19.local 1
166069 0.55500 g32407_top igalaxy r 03/17/2014 10:54:46 mbb.q@compute-0-14.local 1
166091 0.55500 macse mbb r 03/17/2014 14:29:32 mbb.q@compute-0-5.local 1
166092 0.00000 ant-clean- coligny qw 03/17/2014 14:30:25 1
5. When the job is over, get the job output
[coligny@cluster1 trunk]$ less ant-clean-compile.sge.o166092
Mon Mar 17 14:30:32 CET 2014
Buildfile: build.xml
[delete] Deleting directory /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/bin
[echo] Jeeb revision 4375
[echo] os.name: Linux
[echo] os.arch: amd64
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/bin
[javac] Compiling 1872 source files to /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/bin
[javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[copy] Copying 2608 files to /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/bin
[copy] Copied 28 empty directories to 9 empty directories under /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/bin
Total time: 24 seconds
Mon Mar 17 14:30:56 CET 2014
The compilation was successful
==== Example 2: how to run an AMAPstudio script on the cluster ====
This example shows how to run the script **ScriptTristan2012** on the cluster. This script needs two parameters: an 'ops' file name and an 'archimed' config file. All the related files must be copied on the cluster before running the script.
The syntax to launch the script on a simple machine (needs adaptations on the cluster, see below).
sh simeo.sh -p script jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.scripts.ScriptTristan2012 opsFileName archimed1ConfigFileName
1. Copy the parameter files on the cluster
On the cluster, prepare directories to host the parameter files.
[coligny@cluster1 trunk]$ mkdir tristan-files
[coligny@cluster1 trunk]$ cd tristan-files/
[coligny@cluster1 tristan-files]$ mkdir opf
From your machine, copy the needed files into these directories.
coligny@marvin-13:~/des-trucs/data$ scp * coligny@
archimed1.config 100% 486 0.5KB/s 00:00
opf: not a regular file
two-trees.ops 100% 386 0.4KB/s 00:00
coligny@marvin-13:~/des-trucs/data$ scp opf/* coligny@
mod_Koriba_7.opf 100% 2321KB 2.3MB/s 00:00
2. Prepare **a sge script** to launch the Script (in the amapstudio install dir)
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -S /bin/bash
sh simeo.sh -p script jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.scripts.ScriptTristan2012 tristan-files/two-trees.ops tristan-files/archimed1.config
3. Run the script
[coligny@cluster1 trunk]$ qsub script-Tristan-2012.sge
Your job 166129 ("script-Tristan-2012.sge") has been submitted
[coligny@cluster1 tristan-files]$ qstat
job-ID prior name user state submit/start at queue slots ja-task-ID
166129 0.00000 script-Tri coligny qw 03/17/2014 15:41:10 1
4. When the job is over, get the output
[coligny@cluster1 trunk]$ less script-Tristan-2012.sge.o166129
Mon Mar 17 15:41:17 CET 2014
64 bits architecture - max memory: 4096 mega bytes
Default locale is: en
Simeo root directory: /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk
Simeo 0.9, (c) 2006-2014 F. de Coligny et al.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; See COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for details.
Simeo 0.9-4375 with pilot capsis.script.Pilot: correct boot at 17 Mar 2014 15:41:19 CET
Launching script jeeb.simeo.module.simeoeditor.scripts.ScriptTristan2012...
opsFileName : tristan-files/two-trees.ops
archimed1ConfigFileName: tristan-files/archimed1.config
Loading scene...
EditoInitialParameters buildInitScene ()...
initXExtension: 50.0
initYExtension: 50.0
-> Creating a cache for scene +1 in *overwrite mode* (overwrite original files, no copies to automatic directories)
EditoModel createScene () addingMockup: /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Rauh_14.opf
Loading /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Rauh_14.opf...
Loading /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Rauh_14.opf...
Loading /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Rauh_14.opf done
EditoModel createScene () addingMockup: /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Koriba_7.opf
Loading /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Koriba_7.opf...
Loading /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Koriba_7.opf...
Loading /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Koriba_7.opf done
Initialization completed
Memorizer capsis.extension.memorizer.DefaultMemorizer was correctly set for project Project_edito.p
Checking first mockup...
Mockup id: 1
Mockup a_filePath_0: /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Rauh_14.opf
Mockup a_filePath_1: /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Rauh_14.opf
Mockup fileName_1: mod_Rauh_14.opf
Mockup opf: /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Rauh_14.opf
Mockup file: /home/fdcoligny/workspace/amapstudio/trunk/tristan-files/opf/mod_Rauh_14.opf
Archimed1ExportScript starting...
configFileName: tristan-files/archimed1.config
#mockups : 2
Archimed1ExportConfigReader found 8 parameters in tristan-files/archimed1.config
record: radiativeModel = TranslucentModel:0
record: yToNorthAngle_CW_deg = 45
record: latitude_deg = 45
record: clearness = 0.5
record: time1 = 2012/1/1
record: time2 = 2012/31/24
record: numberOfPixels = 25000