====== OMAM : Modelling 3D Palm-tree architecture Project ======
**This page presents the working context of the PRINCIPES model, i.e. MOCAF and PHC-M projects named OMAM.** If you want to know more about these projects, you can follow:
* AMAP team and partnerships;
* Formations & Training;
* Observations & Protocols;
* Modelling & Simulation;
* Extraction & Uses;
* Fun...
[[https://amapstudio.cirad.fr/_media/soft/principes/p11.pdf?dl=1|{{ :soft:principes:p11.jpg?nolink500 |General presentation of Projects about PRINCIPES model}}]]
[[https://amapstudio.cirad.fr/_media/soft/principes/p12.pdf?dl=1|{{ :soft:principes:p12.jpg?nolink500 |Net activities}}]]