====== Simeo documentation ====== This is the main documentation page for Simeo. It contains technical docs for the developers and manuals for the members of the the modeller group. ===== Documentations and tutorials for the end-users ===== * [[.:private:hostouseadigitalterrainmodel|How to use a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) in Edito ?]] * [[.:private:hostoaddtilesontheground|How to add tiles on the ground ?]] * [[.:private:whatisthesimeosceneeditor|What is the Simeo scene editor (Edito) ?]] * [[.:private:howdoistartwithedito|How do I start with Simeo-Edito ?]] * {{:soft:simeo:tp-simeo-archimed-2013.pdf|An AMAPstudio quick tutorial: layout several plants in Simeo, launch a MMR-Archimed1 radiative balance on the vegetal scene, explore the organs irradiance in Xplo}} * [[private:thesimeoarchimed1tutorial|The Simeo / MMR-Archimed1 (may 2012) interactive connection tutorial]] * [[private:thesimeoARTarchimed2tutorial|The Simeo / ART-Archimed2 (jan 2013) interactive connection tutorial]] * [[private:thesimeoLidararchimed2tutorial|The Simeo / Lidar-Archimed2 (jan 2013) interactive connection tutorial]] * [[private:simeoLogos|Simeo logos]] ===== Documentations for the modellers ===== * [[.:private:howtojoinsimeo|How to join the Simeo project]] * Simeo relies on the [[https://amapstudio.cirad.fr/doku.php?id=charter|AMAPstudio Charter]], must be accepted by all members * The [[.:private:Simeo FAQ]] * [[.:private:The Open Plant Scene (ops) format]] * [[private:thesimeoarchimed1scripttutorial|The Simeo / MMR-Archimed1 (may 2012) **script** connection tutorial]] * [[.:private:The Simeo script mode (in java) to run background simulations]] ===== Documentations for the developers ===== * [[.:private:A script to convert a .ops file to Wavefront .obj standard format|A script to convert a .ops file to Wavefront .obj standard format]] * [[.:private:The Jeeb scene editable property|The Jeeb scene 'editable' property]] * [[https://amap-dev.cirad.fr/projects/jeeb/wiki/Sketch|The Sketch and Simeo technical documentation]] ===== Presentations ===== * The AMAP software meeting apr, 15 2011 * {{:soft:simeo:fc-logicielsamap-avril2011-intro.pdf|Introduction}} * {{:soft:simeo:fc-logicielsamap-avril2011-simeo-lighter.pdf|Simeo}} * The AMAP software meeting dec, 4th 2009 * {{:soft:simeo:fc-reu4dec2009_jeeb.pdf|Jeeb}} * {{:soft:simeo:fc-reu4dec2009_simeo-v2.pdf|Simeo}} * {{:soft:simeo:simeo-7sep2009.pdf|Simeo, sep 2009}} * {{:soft:simeo:simeo-presentation.pdf|Simeo, may 2009}} * {{:soft:simeo:simone-presentation-10fev2009.pdf|Simeo, feb 2009}} * {{:soft:simeo:jeeb-presentation-10fev2009.pdf|Jeeb, feb 2009}}