1-Open your MTG file in your favorite spreadsheet software (for instance Excel or LibreOffice Calc).
2-Select and copy the MTG data to the clipboard : Click anywhere in the current sheet, press “CTRL+A” (select all) then “CTRL+C” (copy).
3-Open Xplo.
4-“CTRL+SHIFT+V” or “Menu Project→Import from clipboard” to import your data.
Here is an example of MTG file :
CODE: FORM-A CLASSES : SYMBOL SCALE DECOMPOSITION INDEXATION DEFINITION $ 0 NOTCONNECTED FREE EXPLICIT P 1 CONNECTED FREE EXPLICIT A 2 LINEAR FREE EXPLICIT U 3 LINEAR FREE EXPLICIT I 4 LINEAR FREE EXPLICIT FEATURES: NAME TYPE Length REAL AxillaryBud INT MTG: ENTITY-CODE Length AxIllaryBud /P1 /A1 24 ^/U2009 10.5 ^/I1 0.4 2 ^<I2 0.8 1 ^<I3 1.2 1 ^<I4 1 1 ^<I5 1.6 1 ^<I6 1.3 1 +A2 3.5 ^/U2010 3.5 ^/I1 0.1 1 ^<I2 0.5 1 ^<I3 1 1 ^<I4 0.5 1 ^<I5 0.5 1 ^<I6 0.1 1 ^<I7 0.3 1 ^<I8 0.8 1 ^<I7 1.2 1 +A2 6 ^/U2010 6 ^/I1 0.1 1 ^<I2 0.3 1 ^<I3 0.8 1 +A3 4 ^/U2010 4 ^/I1 0.1 1 ^<I2 0.4 1 ^<I3 0.6 1 ^<I4 0.8 1 ^<I5 0.5 1 ^<I6 0.4 1 ^<I7 1.6 ^<I4 0.8 1 +A3 3 ^/U2010 3 ^/I1 0.1 1 ^<I2 0.2 1 ^<I3 0.7 1 ^<I4 0.6 1 ^<I5 0.6 1 ^<I6 0.5 1 ^<I7 0.5 1 ^<I5 0.6 1 ^<I6 0.7 1 ^<I7 0.6 1 ^<I8 0.2 1 ^<I9 0.2 1 ^<I10 0.4 1 ^<I8 1.5 1 +A2 4 ^/U2010 4 ^/I1 0.1 1 ^<I2 0.5 1 ^<I3 0.6 1 ^<I4 0.6 1 ^<I5 0.6 1 +A3 1.5 ^/U2010 1.5 ^/I1 0.1 1 ^<I2 0.5 1 ^<I3 1.1 ^<I6 0.5 1 ^<I7 1.1 1 ^<U2010 13 ^<I9 1.6 1 ^<I10 1.6 1 ^<I11 1.5 1 ^<I12 1.3 1 ^<I13 1.7 1 ^<I14 2 1 ^<I15 1 1 ^<I16 0.7 1 ^<I17 0.8 1 ^<I18 1 1
Select all the above MTG data, then CTRL-C to copy to the clipboard. Go into Xplo then CTRL+SHIFT+V to import.
You should get a result that looks like :