This wiki is managed by the AMAP developers and administrators, this documentation is for them.
fc-16.12.2021 See the wiki pages on amap-dev about the migration of Capsis and AMAPstudio Dokuwikis to newer versions in Dec 2021 :
Go to this page to create your software pages and make them appear correctly in the lateral menu.
Sometimes you add a wiki page from a page in the lateral menu and you do not want this new page to create a new entry in the menu.
→ At page creation time, just make sure its name starts with “.:private:”
E.g. [[.:private:OPF format]]
The lateral menu was configured to ignore the pages which name contains this char sequence.
Use this kind of text to get a download form:
EDIT: updated on 16.12.2021 by fc
<form> hidden Response "=Thanks for downloading Capsis, please select the most recent Capsis installer on the following page:" Fieldset "Your information" Textbox "Your name" email "Mail" Textbox "Organism and Country" textbox "Motivation" static "This registration is only for internal statistics, the download link will be automatically sent to your e-mail address" Thanks "### Thanks for downloading Capsis, you will receive shortly an email containing download instructions. ###" submit "Register" Action mail @@Mail@@ subject "Capsis demo version download" </form>
How to adapt this form to download my software ?
See the AMAPsoftware template pages