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Browser view

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A main view of Xplo is a table called the Browser view. To make it appear in the Xplo main window, see Window > Display > Browser.

The browser shows the architectural data in a table, with each ArchiNode in a line, and the node properties in columns.

<html><center><i> The Browser view. </i></center></html>

Above the table

In case there are several individuals in the ArchiTree, it is possible to choose to see in the table a particular individual. It is also possible the display the whole ArchiTree or a sub-tree. For the latter, choose the scale you are interested in, then select the individual or part of an architecture you would like to see in the table.

You can expand all lines in the table or collapse all the architecture with the related buttons. The number of nodes in the ArchiTree is displayed.

Table content

The table contains one row per entry in the ArchiTree. The first column is a tree: entries can be folded / unfolded to show the lines of lower levels. The Expand option unfolds all the lines, while the Collapse option folds all the lines in one single highest level line : the root ArchiNode of the tree.

Selecting in the table will send an event to all listeners, allowing them to synchronise on the new selection. This can be checked in the 3D View.

<html><center><i> Selecting a Stump in the Browser, the selection is reflected in the 3D View (you may need to center the 3D View on the selection to see it). </i></center></html>

Table header popup

Right-clicking on the table header opens a popup with various options. The options depend on the column on which the popup was opened.

Edit Label

This option changes the text you can read in the first column for each node. You can choose a mix between Identifier, Name, Type, Index and Attributes. For the latter, choose the Attributes you would like to see in the label.

Hide / Show column

It is possible to hide a column with the Hide a column option. The column is still in the table, only hidden, and it is possible to view it again with the Display option.

Remove / Edit / Add attribute

These options are not applying only in the Browser view, they apply directly in the ArchiNodes attribute tables in memory.

Editing allows to change the name, type or format (e.g. String / Integer…) of the attribute. The values are then to be edited in the table.

Create a plant in the Browser

To create a plant from scratch in the browser, see the following tutorial.

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soft/xplo/private/private/xplomanualbrowserview.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/17 09:22 by